3 Powerful Promises From God When You Pray and Fast

3 Powerful Promises From God When You Pray and Fast By  for Faith Wire

There are many promises God makes in His Word in regard to the blessings we will receive through prayer and fasting. In my book, “The Power of Prayer and Fasting,” I talk about seven specific promises.

I want to mention three here that I trust will bless you as you read. I have seen each of these promises come true in my walk with God, and I’m confident they also can live in you, through you, and will be yours as you call on God to do His will in your life.

Promise 1: Prayer and Fasting Provides Freedom

When we pray and fast, God promises that He will liberate us. He will loose the chains of injustice. He declares that He’ll untie the cords of the yoke and will give the oppressed their long-awaited freedom. He will set us free from the bondage of what others think, making us realize that any comparison we make with others is a guaranteed fast track to misery.

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When we fast and pray, God steps in and frees us from the perceived alienation with Him that has kept us immobilized, fearful, and disobedient for so long. As you consider God’s call to fasting, perhaps for the first time, you may choose to start slowly, fasting and praying for only one day. Perhaps you’ll decide to fast and pray one day each week throughout the year where you declare that specific 24 hours as your time of obedience to be alone in the intimate presence of God. Some are unable to fast from food due to medical reasons.

Choose something else to fast from – television, Internet, social media, etc. Take it to the level God would have you go. As you do, God will give you grace, comfort, and a new direction in your Christian walk. In the end, you will be set free.

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